
Latest News


19 Sep 2018, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

On September 18 we were privileged to enjoy a great day on the rock with 38 scientists working to make the world a better place! We enjoyed a gourmet lunch outside on the granite thanks to Lupe, Liz, Patty, Jeff, and Craig…inspiring talks and fabulous energy from Candra Cannings and her Live Bright Now! organization, and of course skilled  & fun guiding from our amazing guides: Pete, Holly, Steve, Erik, John, Evan and Chris. I even got out there! Kudos…


24 Aug 2018, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

NASTC just concluded another great year (#24!) at Portillo, Chile! Our staff considers themselves to lucky to spend a week skiing with incredible people (we love our clients!) in truly one of the world’s best ski resorts. BIG mountains, great snow, beautiful hotel, unparalleled hospitality, smiling faces, delicious food, apres hot tub and pools, steeps, chutes, corn, all a fantastic chance to improve your skiing – this was the week the group had! Thank you to the 15 beautiful clients…

Summer Fun Rock Climbing (TAHOE/TRUCKEE)

10 Jul 2018, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

Doesn’t this kiddo make rock climbing look like fun? They  had a blast that day! They tried new things, increased their confidence, met new friends, and had a huge view of Donner Lake from the top! This summer has been so much fun up on Donner Pass, many guides out climbing with kids and adults of all ages, abilities, sizes, and strengths. Climbing IS FOR EVERYONE, come try it. All equipment provided, no experience necessary, you  just show up in…


19 Jun 2018, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

Ever wondered what happens if things don’t go as planned? (Not trying to wax philosophical here, we’re talking about you, a harness, a rope, some climbing slippers, a helmet, and that beautiful rock you’re climbing…) What if you’re climbing and the rope gets stuck? What if you’re belaying and your partner takes a leader falls and injures herself? What if he can’t lower himself? You need to know climber’s self-rescue theory and technique – plus how to use the gear…

Ski Portillo!

30 May 2018, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

Its time to ski Portillo with us! Our 24th annual Adventure Skiing camp August 11-18 has some space left, sign up now! This is the best summer skiing you can find! We love Portillo, its our favorite resort south of the border, perhaps favorite anywhere! It is truly an amazing ski-centered experience where you improve tons but you also get a fun and restful vacation in a beautiful hotel with people from all over the world. You’ll ski next to…

Portillo: A Day In Your Life

18 May 2018, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

Here’s how your morning goes when you ski Portillo, Chile with us: wake up (to powder), go downstairs for stretching and huge breakfast with the best dang coffee ever and warmed milk, walk back upstairs to get your ski clothes on, downstairs to boot up (friendly boot room attendant has brilliant memory for faces so he can match 400 guests to their boots by day 2 usually), walk 10 paces outside, click into your bindings (did I mention your skis were right next to…


28 Apr 2018, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

Time to ski Chile, make this your summer! We’ve been taking groups since 1995. August 11-18 (Aug 10/19 travel), base price $5995 Portillo, Chile is located 2.5 hours east of Santiago high in the Andes near the Argentine border. Aconcagua is within view when you’re high up on the mts there! Portillo is served by the most modern lifts, whisking you up the sides of the expert, advanced, and intermediate runs. There is something for everyone. With 400 beds and…


26 Apr 2018, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

What do you think about when daydreaming summer vacation? Lying on the beach, tennis, canoeing, more time for crossword puzzles? Whatever your pleasure, rock climbing is a fantastic sport to challenge yourself, learn skills to move safely and efficiently over stone, face fears, enjoy breathtaking vistas, and find a new dynamic with friends and family. Rock climbing is very refreshing and satisfying! At NASTC we hire only the best guides, with years of experience facilitating positive experiences on the rock,…

NEW! Teen Climbing Camp

03 Apr 2018, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

July 2-3 Summer Climbing Camps for both Youngin’s and Teens! Half day format Age 7-12 from 9-noon Age 13-17 from 1-4pm Price: $175 (includes shoes, harness, helmet, snack and T-shirt)…multi-camper discounts available, please ask when booking. To make your reservation, call 530-386-2102 or email Jenny@skiNASTC.com More info Click the paypal link to pay and confirm your reservation. You will receive an email with more information from us then.


02 Apr 2018, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

Here is an inside look to what your first time rock climbing would be like. Click on the video to watch as we take KRNV (My News Channel 4) sports journalist,Gianna Giorgi, and photographer, Julian del Gaudio, on their very first rock climbing experience. We had a great time introducing them to this very fun and rewarding sport and showing them our Donner Summit playground. We are fortunate to have world class granite right here in Truckee which is the…