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U.S Ski Team @ Portillo

06 May 2011, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

Great news!!  The U.S Ski Team is going to be in Portillo at the same time that NASTC will be there.  This is big!  How awesome will it be, to watch U.S skiing icons in action.  Talk about great visuals…  With the intimate setting of Portillo, there is a good chance that you can meet some of these guys and gals.  You may even find yourself on the exercise bike right next one of them, or sitting next to them in…


05 May 2011, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

Just got back from a week down at Mammoth.  It is incredible how much snow there is over there.  Rather than walking down stairs to exit from the Gondola at the top of the mountain, you exit the building directly onto snow!  The sign that is normally 11ft plus at the top is buried except for the last two feet of it.  The skiing was incredible after it had softened up.  Thursday was the first day of skiing and a…

One of the Best Days of the Year!

22 Apr 2011, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

The skiing out there is unreal!! Probably one of the best spring skiing days ever! Hands down.  The mountains are buffed out and smooth and the snow is just right.  Get out there and make some turns you will feel like rockstar.  You can go just about anywhere as the coverage is great and the conditions are so forgiving.  If you are backcountry buff, there is a gold mine out there – have fun!

The Swiss Machine

21 Apr 2011, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

Check out this video of Swiss alpinist, Ueli Steck a.k.a The Swiss Machine.  This guy is a genuine bad a**! It is always inspring to see athletes pushing the limits and breaking boundaries.  You have to admire their passion and determination.  The first video is of his record breaking ascent of the Eiger – 2hr 47min.  Note that he is free climbing, no ropes, just ice axes and crampons!  The second video is an interview with Ueli, how he prepares…

A Great Article on Portillo

20 Apr 2011, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

Here is a great article that sums up the Portillo experience albeit it was written a few years ago.  The essence of what it is like to visit Portillo is difficult to capture as Portillo “hits” everyone differently.  http://www.everettpotter.com/2006/07/summer_skiing_i/

What do you do when your ski day is rained out?

18 Apr 2011, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

You wanna go skiing but it is raining so miserably out, it is not even worth putting on your thermals.  Plan B?  Hit the gym!!How your ski season next year pans out is dependent on what you do in the off-season, which starts in the spring and runs through the fall.  This is the time to start working on the bottom level of the performance pyramid that Chris Fellows describes in his book Total Skiing.  Functional Movement takes place in…

Freeski Training Center in La Parva, Chile

15 Apr 2011, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

From The Ski Channel: http://www.theskichannel.com/news/skinews/20110414/World-class-freeski-training-center-to-be-built-in-La-Parva-Chile “With the latest announcement from the International Olympic Committee (IOC) approving men’s and women’s Ski Halfpipe for the 2014 Olympics, La Parva is on the forefront of building the ultimate training facility to be ready June 2012.  It’s location in the heart of the Andes mountains and provides excellent snow conditions from June through October, creating an ideal off season training destination for Northern Hemisphere athletes. The resort has begun the process with the addition…

Winter season wind down

15 Apr 2011, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

The sun sits higher in the sky, the air is warmer, birds are chirping and the snow around town is melting really fast.  These are all the signs that Spring is definitely here and Winter is on its way out.  In previous years, most people would already start wearing flip flops and shorts but this year Mother Nature is keeping us guessing.  One day it’s sunny and warm and the next day looks and feels like a mid-winter storm.  After…

My first NASTC Experience…

14 Apr 2011, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

Hear it from our clients….”My first NASTC experience met all my expectations and recommendations from friends who had skied with NASTC: the most professional coaches, best accommodations, ideal mountain resorts, and friendly comaraderie with fellow skiers. I will most definitely be back.”  — new NASTC skier from San Francisco, CA