
Latest News

Adventure and Snow Awaits in Chamonix

06 Jan 2012, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

It is really snowing in Chamonix.  We’ve heard a couple different reports and the snowfall for this time of year has blown past records.  Long time locals have been saying that, they haven’t seen this much in 30 years!  We’ve posted some pictures on facebook taken by our guide in Chamonix.  This is going to be Europe’s big season.  This is the year to do that European Adventure you have always wanted to do.  If watching the snow spray from your…


05 Jan 2012, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

The North American Ski Training Center (NASTC) has partnered with Backcountry Access of Boulder, Colorado to provide their clients and guides with the latest avalanche safety equipment. In the event of a slide, deploy the Float 30™ Avalanche Airbag Pack to add extra buoyancy in the moving snow. This helps to keep the wearer on the snow’s surface to avoid burial and asphyxiation. The Tracker2™ Beacon, the industry’s fastest and most precise triple antennae beacon, pinpoints the location of avalanche…

What to do during a low snow year?

02 Jan 2012, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

Wow!  What a warm start to 2012!  People are out mtn biking like crazy, running without their shirts on and filling up the parking spots at trailheads.  There is still skiing out there.  Resorts like Snowbird and Crested Butte have quite a bit of terrain open.  In fact Snowbird has 65 runs open!  That is a lot of skiing.  Conditions like this can be a blessing in disguise for your ski technique.  Often we are so drawn by the fresh…

Happy Holidays!

23 Dec 2011, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

 Happy Holidays! Even though there is no snow in the greater part of snow country, the resorts are still open, lifts are spinning and there is skiing to be had out there! We’ve been out to the local resorts and are pretty impressed with the quality of the snow surfaces – props to all the snowmaking teams out there for giving us the opportunity to get out there and slide around. The MOST SNOW and BEST SNOW in the country…

Skiing Man-made Snow Can Be a Ton of Fun

23 Dec 2011, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

Skiing man-made snow is a far cry from those fluffy powder days that we dream about.  But skiing firm man-made conditions can be fun too, especially when it’s the only snow around.  The first thing you need is a good tune.  Sharp edges and a smooth waxed base go a long way in these conditions.  In order to take advantage of those sharp edges you gotta tip those skis over.  Tipping action originates in the feet and ankles and then…

Conditioning for the Slopes Broadcast

19 Dec 2011, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

If you missed Chris Fellow’s webinar on “Conditioning for the Slopes” last week, click on the link below to hear a complete recording of the broadcast.  Copies of Total Skiing are still available and can be ordered directly through our website in our Pro-Shop or you can call NASTC directly to order 530.582.4772.    http://www.humankinetics.com/hk-webinars/hk-webinars/watch-now-total-skiing-conditioning-for-the-slopes?clearcache=1

Dumping Snowbird

15 Dec 2011, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

Looking out the window here in Truckee, it is hard to believe that Snowbird already has 88″ of snow and it just got dumped on again.  Alas it’s the truth.  Seems like Crested Butte and Snowbird are the two resorts that are getting dumped on right now. Though this is good news because NASTC will be running a camp at Snowbird, January 19-23, so conditions should be pretty sweet.  We are also running a course in Crested Butte in March, so conditions…


15 Dec 2011, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

Chris Fellows’ webinar was a hit!  We will have the whole feed available shortly for those of you that missed.  Tune back in before the end of the week and we should it up for your viewing pleasure by then.

Jumpstart 2011 Wrap-up

13 Dec 2011, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

The first NASTC course of the 2012 went down pretty well despite the limited terrain.  The Jumpstart course which was originally scheduled to take place at Northstar and Squaw Valley, but due to the lack of snow and the heroic snowmaking efforts at Northstar, the course stayed at Northstar for all four days.  What is great about a low snow start is that the focus remains on the technique, there is no temptation to go and “check out the snow”. …