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FREE Webinar with Chris Fellows

19 Nov 2012, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

FREE!! WEBINARThursday, November 29, 11am (PST) Total Skiing II:  Conditioning for the SlopesChris Fellows will present on how mobility, stability, strength and power have a key role in your skiing performance and injury prevention.  This will be an in-depth discussion on how to prepare yourself for a successful ski season and not rely on the “ski yourself into shape” method, and how to have longevity within the sport.  REGISTER HERE to participate and listen to the webinar.

NASTC News November 15, 2012

13 Nov 2012, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

Big news of the week is:  Squaw and Northstar will be opening this week!  The storm that came through this past weekend, gave the resorts a little extra help with snowmaking and more snow is in the forecast for the weekend!  Northstar will be spinning their chairs for the public, tomorrow (Wednesday) and Squaw will be opening this Friday!  Temperatures have been cold since the storm came through last weekend so we expect the snow surface to be in pretty…

Choosing an Avalanche Safety Course

09 Nov 2012, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

http://avtraining.org/Avalanche-Training-Courses/Choosing-an-Avalanche-Course.html  There’s a lot of avalanche courses out there. How do you decide which one to take? Here’s a few things to consider before you sign up and spend your money: Know where you are at Be honest with yourself and don’t try to cut corners. If you’ve never taken a course before or are just starting out, consider a basic course as a beginning rather than trying to cut corners and taking a more advanced course. If you are…

Only in High School And Already An Inspiration

09 Nov 2012, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

http://www.teamusa.org/News/2012/November/07/A-Cool-School.aspx  Like many young elite-level skiers and snowboarders, Jess Breda has been doing a balancing act all through high school. The rising freeskiing star from Massachusetts had been trying to keep up with her studies while homeschooling and, at the same time, trying to train, travel and maintain a competition schedule across the United States. Sometimes the juggling act seemed impossible. “It was just really hard to balance it all on your own,” she said. This year, however, Breda, a…

Lindsey Vonn Opts out of Levi Slalom. What?!

07 Nov 2012, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

Both Julia Mancuso and Lindsey Vonn are choosing to opt out of the Levi Slalom.  Their reasoning is that it is just too far to go for one race.  After the less than optimal performance in Soelden, they think the smarter decision is to remain in the U.S and continue training at Copper and Vail which have been said to have the best training conditions in the world at this time.  Conditions on the glaciers in Europe are not as…

Storm to hit the Sierras

07 Nov 2012, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

With this storm system, ski season may be at our front door rather than just around the corner!  Even though this has been one of the most beautiful autumn season in the Sierras.  We’re pumped as this will make conditions just right for our Early Season Jumpstart ski improvement camp.  Many years we’ve ran this camp with the barest minimum of snow, but it doesn’t look like it this year.  At least we’re hoping after seeing this forecast.http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?CityName=Truckee&state=CA&site=STO&lat=39.3079&lon=-120.316

NASTC NEWS November 1, 2012

01 Nov 2012, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

  Hope everyone had a good Halloween, getting some good treats and pulling a few tricks.  We would like to express our heartfelt concern for everyone on the east coast affected by Sandy.  We know this is a difficult time and we are thinking of you and sending you much positive energy that you will come out of this catastrophe no worse for the wear. We received another fresh layer of snow at the upper elevations last night.  Resorts are…


30 Oct 2012, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

NEW ITEMS HAVE BEEN ADDED TO THE PRO SHOP!Great deals on skis, alpine and backcountry setup.  NASTC logo wear and ski improvement educational materials.

Is La Nina Back For More?

24 Oct 2012, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

With snow this early in October, is it possible to hope for another winter like this one? It’s strange to see snow on the ground when the fall foliage is still showcasing it’s dramatic colors.  After a season that did everything to deflate our ski stoke, we’re ready for one that will put us on cloud nine.  The early snow fall is just adding fuel to the fire.  You know the race has started when the resorts have turned on…