Vonn’s Season Ending Injury
JUST around the corner folks: All Conditions/All Terrain at Squaw Valley, USA! Feb 26-28. Our staff know this famous mountain like the backs of their hands!Come ski, eat, video, improve, and vacation with us at this clinic! You deserve this break, and this focus on your own skiing. Its time. ALSO check out NASTC’s Alpine Meadows group (are you in this picture?): http://www.sierrasun.com/article/20130205/COMMUNITY/130209977/1051&parentprofile=1051On a sober note, keep Lindsey in your heart, airlifted from Schladming. Stadium silent.
Are we missing the message being delivered in Avalanche Safety classes? Are we lulling ourselves into a false sense of security because we are armed with rescue procedures and safety equipment? While having the knowledge and the gear is essential, the fundamental process that needs to take place is good decision making. Learning how to interpret information and make good decisions is at the heart of Avlanche Safety classes, as that it the only strong preventative measure that we have…
Weather report for our Alpine Meadows All Condition/Terrain group coming to see us tomorrow:Colder week next week but dry with highs in the 30’s. Some fresh snow the first day of our course then clear, sunny skies! Also check out the SkiA Sweetspot Ski Trainer, partners of the NASTC Nation: https://www.youtube.com/embed/F-fotIVH87s People enjoy your weekend! Ski with passion!
Sunday January 27 through Tuesday January 29 twenty four NASTC students will be enjoying the slopes of Alpine Meadows during our classic “All Conditions/All Terrain” course. Trainers Kim Mann, Bryan Schilling, Barclay Moore, and Chris Fellows will lead their charges through all the varied conditions the mountain has to offer. The skiing is GREAT today by the way folks. Also: check out Truckee/Tahoe/Sugar Bowl local boy goin’ fast: Mark Engel! http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/37111_533214290045199_1900154341_n.jpgWe’re all behind you Mark! Just finished up a…
After a brutal cold snap, the second one of the season so far, we have never been happier to see the temperatures creep back up to normal. The upside of the cold snap is that the snow has been sensational. NASTC is ramping up over the next few weeks with an AIARE Certified Avalanche Level 1 class, the All Conditions/All Terrain camp at Alpine Meadows and a backcountry day on Donner Summit with the ‘Lake Run” on the agenda. If…
http://www.travelandleisure.com/articles/3-secret-alps-ski-destinations/2 Though St. Anton is not much of a secret, most European skiers have either already been there or it’s on their list Lot’s of them keep returning. Their is a unique magical feeling in St. Anton. It is definitely one of the 3 “must visit” European destinations for any serious skiers, the other two are Zermatt and Chamonix. The NASTC weeklong St. Anton trip is an opportunity to get the insider’s experience of St. Anton, the opportunity to go where…
This is a must read for anyone that skis big mountain terrain and goes into the backcountry. http://www.mountainonline.com/mountain-magazine/item/888-keep-your-name-off-the-list
This is a good read for young racers, masters racers, parents of racers and ski instructors going for certification. http://www.skiracing.com/?q=node/21360