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NASTC NEWS Snow in the Sierras!

30 Sep 2014, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

      Snow in Sierras! The rumors are true! There is snow in the Sierras. The storm system that moved through this past weekend brought a decent dusting of snow to the upper elevations. The smoke from the King Fire has left the basin and has been replaced with the sweet smell of fall. Loveland ski area will be opening mid-October and Copper Mountain is scheduled to turn its lifts by October 31st. The NASTC brochure with 2015 courses,…

NASTC NEWS: Early Season Ski Training

15 Sep 2014, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

      Snow in Colorado! The picture above is from Independence Pass in Aspen, CO this morning! Copper Mtn and Loveland also have reported snow on the ground at the upper elevations. Mornings are getting chilly here in Lake Tahoe – winter is on its way! Time to ramp up your dryland training and look at the calendar and plan where you will be skiing this winter. NASTC has some great destinations and programs line up for the 2015…

NASTC News: The Portillo Report, Rock Climbing, The 2015 season and more

05 Sep 2014, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

      South American Skiing Adventures What an incredible adventure this summer in South America brought us. We celebrated our 20th anniversary in Portillo with a terrific group of people and are still suffering from our Portillo withdrawals. Despite a very low snow year in the Andes, it was still an undeniably great experience with lots of skiing and training included. 65% of skiers were NASTC alumni and the new faces that joined the fold fit in just perfectly….

NASTC News: Time to Start Getting Ready for the Ski Season

30 Jul 2014, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

      Time To Start Getting Ready For Ski Season Teams are starting to their voyage south for their on-snow pre-season training. It’s time to get skiing back on the brain (for some of you it’s never left – we get that!). The first to address as we approach the start of ski season, is getting the body back into skiing shape. This is so our legs don’t scream in pain and force us to stop several times on…

NASTC News: Avalanche Education, Bouldering Competition and More!

23 Jul 2014, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

      Just a Few More Weeks of Summer Left! It’s hard to believe that summer is on its way out. In just a few shorts weeks kids will be heading back to school. Come and get one last climbing day on the rocks before school starts back up. Climbing is great for problem solving skills and building strength and coordination. Make it a fun morning or afternoon for the whole family. Please call or email NASTC to book…

How To Train Like A German Soccer Star

17 Jul 2014, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

Train Like a German Soccer Star Mark Verstegen, pictured in red, says it’s important to ease into exercise with an orchestrated warm-up. DFB By GRETCHEN REYNOLDS July 16, 2014 In the stirring World Cup final on Sunday between the national men’s soccer teams from Germany and Argentina, an American played a role on the field in Rio de Janeiro despite the United States team’s having been eliminated. Sitting and occasionally pacing tensely along the German sideline was Mark Verstegen, the team’s trainer….

NASTC NEWS: Can skiing slowly make you a better skier?

09 Jul 2014, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

      Snowing in Portillo The road up to Portillo has been closed for 24hrs due to heavy snowfall. Even though the road closure can be a bummer if it happens during inopportune times, it usually means good things for the fun quotient when you get out on the snow! It’s not too late to join the NASTC-Portillo all-mountain ski improvement camp. August 15-24. This is summer ski training at its best. The Andes mountains in Chile is are…


18 Jun 2014, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

            Portillo: Open your mind to the full mountain experience The word “portillo” means “opening or road between two heights” – an apt descriptor for both the Chilean ski resort as well as the transformations that occur on its slopes every summer. The highs and lows, laughs and cries of this annual trip set a standard for personal exploration unlike any other ski experience. To truly immerse yourself in the adventure, start by clearing away…

Portillo: Open Your Mind to the Full Chilean Mountain Experience

17 Jun 2014, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

The word “portillo” means “opening or road between two heights” – an apt descriptor for both the Chilean ski resort as well as the transformations that occur on its slopes every summer. The highs and lows, laughs and cries of this annual trip set a standard for personal exploration unlike any other ski experience. To truly immerse yourself in the adventure, start by clearing away any preconceived notions you might have of what a ski vacation entails. Full-immersion summer training…

Father’s Day Rock Climbing Special

05 Jun 2014, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News

Saturday-Sunday, June 14-15.  Take 15% off a half day or full day of guided rock climbing.  A great way for Dad and the kids to spend the day together and create a memorable experience of learning a new sport together.  All levels of climbers welcome!  Beginner rock climbers will get a full introduction to the sport and come away with basic rock climbing skills.  Intermediate and advanced climbers can do multi-pitch climbs that appropriately challenges them for their ability level….