

NASTC NEWS September 18, 2012

19 Sep 2012, Posted by Ski NASTC in Latest News


Winter is on its way!  Colorado had its first dusting of snow yesterday.  There is a noticeable chill in the early morning air now.  This is the time to start scouting magazines for gear reviews, checking out the new outerwear in the shops, replacing scratched goggles, sending your skis in for a fresh tune and thinking that with every lunge and every extra 30 secs in your plank set you are getting that much stronger and you can rip that much harder when the chairs start turning. 

 The 2013 NASTC calendar is online and registration is open! 

Sign up for your favorite course either online or with the NASTC office at 530.582.4772.

NASTC is returning to Grand Targhee this season, we are VERY stoked to be heading back.  There is something to be said about ripping through champagne powder with the Grand Teton as a backdrop.  Dates are January 15-19 and include TWO days of CAT-SKIING!  Remember you’re spot in a course is only secure with a 50% deposit.

The NASTC- Portillo Summer Dream Skiing camp was one of the best.  The group consisted of strong skiers, great personalities, good camaraderie and we lucked out with the best conditions out of the whole season!  We never get tired of running camps in Portillo, it is such a special place and an ideal location to hold a summer ski training  & adventure camp.  A couple members of the group conquered one of Portillo’s most famous runs – The Super C. 

 Dryland Training Tip:  Include agility drills into your repertoire of exercises.  This will help with neuro-muscular response, precision and continued performance when your body begins to fatigue.  A couple of exercises to try:

 Ickey Shuffle
Using an agility ladder (you can buy these online, if you don’t have access to one, you can draw one on the floor with masking tape)

Face down the ladder and stand to the right side of the first square.

Place your left foot into the square followed by your right foot.

Then spring out of the ladder onto your left foot

Spring your right foot into the subsequent square, followed by your left foot.

Spring out of the ladder onto your right foot and repeat the sequence all over again.

For a visual of this exercise go to TOTAL SKIING pg. 136.

 Hexagon (this requires you to map out a hexagon on the floor using masking tape).  This exercise helps to control your body in multiple planes. 

Stand in the middle of the hexagon with both feet together facing one of the horizontal lines.

Jump over the line and then back to center

Continue to progress in this manner around the hexagon – first clockwise and then try counter-clockwise.

Your goal is to increase your quickness maneuvering around the hexagon and work up to at least 3 repetitions going one direction.

 For more details on this exercise go to TOTAL SKIING pg. 39.