Avalanche Training in Tahoe & Truckee
27 Aug 2019, Posted by Latest News inThe AIARE curriculum is a 3-day intensive seminar designed to give you an understanding of avalanche formation, “nature’s billboard” observation skills, the ability to use an avalanche transceiver and probe and how to dig a snow study pit. This is a minimum amount of know-how if you want to travel, ski or ride in the backcountry or sidecountry safely. There is time spent daily in the classroom and in the field.
Dates: December 13-15 2019, January 18-20 2020, Jan 31-Feb 2 2020 & February 15-17 2020 SIGN UP HERE
The goals of the course are:
- The student will be taught safe travel methods in avalanche terrain
including trip planning and preparation, interpretation of the avalanche bulletin, observational techniques for snowpack, weather, avalanches, terrain analysis, safe travel techniques, and decision-making fundamentals
- The student be will shown how to use various rescue equipment, and companion rescue protocols
- The student will be taught how to execute mock rescues in the field
- The student will be introduced to the avalanche triangle, weather, snowpack, terrain and the human factor
- Attain Level 1 certification upon successful completion